Taylor & Francis, 1995, Used with permission
Hyperactive or underactive Feelings of unreality Physical distress such as chest pains, abdominal pains, headaches, nausea Change in appetite Weight change Fatigue Sleeping problems Restlessness Crying and sighing Feelings of emptiness Shortness of breath Tightness in the throat |
Numbness Sadness Anger Fear Relief Irritability Guilt Loneliness Longing Anxiety Meaninglessness Apathy Vulnerability Abandonment |
Overly sensitive Dependent Withdrawn Avoid others Lack of initiative Lack of interest |
Forgetfulness Searching for the deceased Slowed thinking Dreams of the deceased Sense the loved one’s presence Wandering aimlessly Trying not to talk about loss in order to help others feel comfortable around them Needing to retell the story of the loved one’s death |